
At the end of an analysis, Mopsa prints a report that summarizes the checks it performed, the corresponding diagnostics, and the possible assumptions made and threats to soundness. Reports are in human-readable form by default, but can also be output in JSON format.


During the analysis, the abstract domains perform a number of checks to verify the correctness of some safety properties. The list of checks supported by an analysis is language-dependent (and even configuration-dependent), and can be obtained with the option -list checks. For instance, on C:

$ mopsa-c -list checks
  Assertion failure
  Stub condition
  Invalid memory access
  Division by zero
  Integer overflow
  Invalid shift
  Invalid pointer comparison
  Invalid pointer subtraction
  Double free
  Insufficient variadic arguments
  Insufficient format arguments
  Invalid type of format argument
  Invalid floating-point operation
  Floating-point division by zero
  Floating-point overflow

and on Python:

$ mopsa-python -list checks
  Assertion failure
  Uncaught Python exception

Some checks can be enabled and disabled using command-line options, and some checks (such as floating-point errors) may not be enabled by default. See the C analysis options for instance for the list of options pertaining to C run-time errors.


A diagnostic is the outcome of a check at some program location. Three outcomes are possible:


The check is valid for all execution flows reaching the program location.


The check is invalid for all executions flows reaching the program location.


The validity of the check cannot be determined. This may correspond to an actual error in the program for some execution flows, or to a spurious warning caused by a too coarse abstraction.

By default, Mopsa prints only errors and warnings. Safe checks can be display with the option -show-safe-checks.

Soundness and Assumptions

During an analysis, the hypotheses under which the analyzer is sound and takes into account all possible executions may suddenly not longer hold. This is the case, for instance, if the program calls an undefined function, uses an unsupported language feature, or, in certain cases, due to a catastrophic loss of precision in the abstraction (such as being unable to track the possible targets of a pointer after a complex operation). In those cases, Mopsa nevertheless continues the analysis, with a best-effort strategy. In the final report, Mopsa indicates explicitly that the analysis may not be sound and lists the assumptions it made during the analysis.

For instance, the following program assumption.c calls an undefined function f:

1int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
2  int i = 0;
3  i = f(12);

Running mopsa-c assumption.c, we get the following report:

Unsound analysis
No alarm Analysis time: 0.026s Checks summary: 0 total 1 assumption: resources/code/assumption.c:3.6-11: ignoring side-effects of calling undefined function 'f'
  • The first line, Unsound analysis (replacing Analysis terminated successfully), indicates that at least one assumption was made.

  • The last line explains the assumption. The analysis assumed that the undefined function f simply returned an arbitrary value in the range of the return type without any side-effect (modification of other variables, errors).

Mopsa is careful to explicitly report any possible threat to soundness. It is then the responsibility of the user to check whether the assumptions were indeed correct or to fix the analysis (e.g., by providing the source code from f).

File Output

The output can be redirected to a file with the -output FILE option.

Return Value

The analyzer exits with a 0 return code when the analysis completes without any warning or error, and 1 otherwise.

The -silent option causes the analysis to always return 0, even in case of error.

JSON Output

By default, Mopsa uses a human-readable output in colored text (unless the -no-color option is used). Alternatively, Mopsa can export the analysis report in JSON format, using the option -format=json. This is useful for post-processing the analysis result with a tool or GUI, and it is generally used in combination with the -output option to output into a file.

The JSON output is structured as follows:

  • The boolean field success indicates whether the analysis terminated successfully. The analysis may fail due to an unsupported language feature or due to an internal error. In such cases, an exception field contains the error message.

  • The float field time contains the total analysis duration.

  • The fields mopsa_version and mopsa_dev_version allow retrieving the Mopsa version used in the analysis.

  • The field files contains the list of analyzed files.

  • When success is true, the field alarms contains the list of potential alarms detected during the analysis. Each alarm is structured as follows:

    • The field title is a normalized string describing the alarm kind (as returned by the -list checks option).

    • The field messages gives additional, free-form information on the cause of the alarm, such as the variables involved, the values of the offending arguments, etc.

    • The field range indicates the positions in the program that surround the offending statement or expression. It is composed of two positions start and end. Each position has fields file, line, and column (line numbers start at 1, columns at 0).

    • The field callstacks contains callstacks, that is, lists representing the traces of function calls from the entry point until the offending statement. Each element of a callstack has:

      • The field function representing the name of the called function.

      • The field range representing the location of the call site to this function.

      The field may contain several callstacks, in case the alarm location can be reached by several different sequences of calls during the execution.

  • The field assumptions lists the soundness assumptions that the analysis made, if any.

Here is an example JSON output as returned by mopsa-c -format=json hello.c, using the analysis of hello.c from the basic usage section:

 2  "success": true,
 3  "time": 0.024172,
 4  "mopsa_version": "1.0~pre1",
 5  "mopsa_dev_version":
 6    "git branch:fix/c/isnan commit:6ec207a4f commit-date:2021-06-15 13:33:01 +0200",
 7  "files": [ "hello.c" ],
 8  "alarms": [
 9    {
10      "title": "Invalid memory access",
11      "messages":
12        "accessing 4 bytes at offsets [4,400] of variable 'a' of size 400 bytes",
13      "range": {
14        "start": { "file": "hello.c", "line": 5, "column": 4 },
15        "end": { "file": "hello.c", "line": 5, "column": 8 }
16      },
17      "callstacks": [
18        [
19          {
20            "function": "main",
21            "range": {
22              "start": { "file": "hello.c", "line": 2, "column": 4 },
23              "end": { "file": "hello.c", "line": 2, "column": 8 }
24            }
25          }
26        ]
27      ]
28    }
29  ],
30  "assumptions": []